2017 Goal, ✅ The Content Strategy Certification Course is Live

Julia McCoy
5 min readJun 27, 2017


Remember my post about giving up Netflix and committing to 5 a.m. mornings?

That was hard as heck to do, let me tell you.

But, it worked — I was able to put in more than 1,000 hours on this course and create (pinch me) 6 modules, 75+ video lessons, 6 workbooks (totaling over 300 pages), and 30 Brand Strategy specific exercises that build on each other.

I even recorded a few video demos and hacks documenting how I actually research and create for my own high-ROI content to include in the course…

And a few industry experts were incredibly accommodating on getting on video with me last minute to record a few awesome guest videos just for the course.


I’m doing a happy dance today, because…

Today, it all becomes worth it.

The Content Strategist Certification Course is live.

The Practical Content Strategist Certification Course Is Live Today!

Content marketing is an industry that is seriously blowing up. It’s the “new” marketing of today. In 2019, it will be valued at more than $313 billion.

Yet, the #1 missing piece when most businesses invest in content marketing is their actual strategy.

Yikes! Shouldn’t strategy guide their entire content marketing to obtain better results?

It absolutely should.

But it’s not easy to get to the bottom of what your content strategy should actually look like. Till now, it’s only been possible to get there through trial and error.

But it’s not easy to get to the bottom of what your content strategy should actually look like. Till now, it’s only been possible to get there through trial and error.


Where do you go to learn the skills involved in creating a content strategy?

I’ve had to learn many of the skills in creating great content simply through trial-and-error. I’ve taken all kinds of industry courses by now, invested in myself, read and read all kinds of material on the topic.

I’m all about ROI, because I’ve been paying my bills for 6 years now through my ability to build content services and train my writers on how to create content for clients in the best way possible.

It’s eat or not eat.

In the end, it took figuring it out and creating, tinkering with, and building all kinds and formats of content to learn how to execute and implement worthwhile content.

Last year, after publishing a book, launching a podcast, maintaining a blog and Twitter chat, I hit top in the list of 2016 content marketers. I saw my Twitter chat trend at #4 nationwide on Twitter, and I hit bestseller in the top 2 books for my category on Amazon as a self-published author.

And the best yet: this year, my organic traffic from blogging hit an all-time high of $57,000/month (what you’d pay in Google’s Adwords for the same traffic results).

We’re about 3% more visible in Google organically than our competitors, who have millions upon millions in funding (we have none).

In my agency, I’ve launched, tweaked and created levels of content at Express Writers that can give clients incredible results online too.


After launching my most sophisticated content writing level, authority content, late 2016, I actually sat at my desk…

And thought about how frustrated I was about the lack of content strategy knowledge.

It was killing me.

Sure, my trained writers and I can create great content all day long, but how much does that help you if you don’t have a guiding strategy?

Only 9% of 100% of content marketers like their strategy.

That’s dire.

And it shows… so much content is being created, yet only a few pieces truly stand out.

Back to that day.

I sat there and thought about building another, cooler, better agency service to sell.

“How can I launch a new service that fits the industry need better?”

…Then I realized something…

It hit me like a load of bricks.

“What if I sold the knowledge of creating ROI content, instead of just putting together another service?”

I thought about that for a while…

And I decided I’d go for it.

I talked to influencers and experts, wrote blogs, scoured the net, started backtracking my own content success, and began mapping a course out.

Fact: I almost quit on outlining day when I realized how massive it would be to actually do. I cried a little.

But, I also realized that this course, if I focused on a ground-floor practical approach, could be the answer to the industry’s biggest problem:

Creating a content strategy that works.

That simple, and that hard.

Well, after my initial tears…

I started getting up at 5 a.m. and I committed myself to creating my course.

I wrote. 150+ pages of content. Then turned it into simpler content. Created materials, diagrams, illustrations, and even came up with simple concepts to reflect the toughest parts of brand strategy, so I could help content marketers navigate through industry content creation easier.

The creation has been no joke.

The hardest feat of my life to date.

But probably the best, too.

I’ve created my course in an effort to teach content marketers — from start to finish — the skills they need know how to build and achieve working, high-ROI content.

And guess what?

My navigational course on these practical points — created from the viewpoint of someone who’s been in the trenches of content marketing — is live!

This course has been my gigantic 2017 goal, and I’ve poured everything — heart, soul, sweat and hard work for three months — into creating this course. I’ve formulated it to be an in-depth, practical, hands-on approach to the problems of this entire industry.

In my course, you’re building the cores of a strategy, and to get your certification your work will be personally graded by my team and I!

Check out my video where I share why my course (starting at $1,000 per seat) could be more valuable to you in this growing industry than a college education worth $40,000+:

Grab Your Seat By July 11, 2017 in The Practical Content Strategist Certification Course

To learn more about the course and grab your spot at 20% off, go here.

By the way — with a few savvy content marketing team members from my agency ready to help me, I’ll be personally assisting my students in the exclusive Facebook group with their brand strategy builds.

I’m excited about that.

I hope to see you on the flip side and get the chance to personally mentor you in my course.

- Julia



Julia McCoy

Adapt to AI, or die. E/Acc. From exiting a 100-person SEO content agency to leading the AI content frontier at Content at Scale w/ a bunch of bright foks.